Monday, February 25, 2008

Two More Possible Cultural Objects

I like this clip because it is funny, clean, and has an underlying message that can be contemplated long after the show is over: the many aspects of dating.
I think it would be interesting to talk about dating and how it changes over time, as well as why people choose to date and why they choose who they date. Another possiblility, even, is to analyze the relationship between father figure and son. There is so much that can be done with this clip.

Once again, Will Smith is hilarious, yet the underlying truthful message is ever obvious: there are expectations that men have of women in American culture and lots of relationship problems are based in scenes frightenly similar to this one...and be sure to notice: Will had been asleep and she had made herself some popcorn, and she opened the bag and decided to offer him some, even before she took the first handful. Would he have done the same for her?

Implementing Course Reader

During class today, we were talking about the validity of people's accounts as sources and how certain accounts made by blacks at one time had to be verified by a "legitimate" source, namely, a white person. I was thinking that maybe I could incorporate that into my final paper if I decide to use To be a Slave as my cultural object.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Two Possible Cultural Objects

First, Shining Through is a movie about an American woman who was a spy during World War II. She went to Germany and risked her life to help the U.S. government, and this movie tells her story of fear and courage. I am drawn to this movie becasue it is very rich in culture and the fact that this woman was so bold and brave makes me admire her.

Second is my book To Be a Slave. I had to read it in my AP American History class and it stirred me inside. The accounts of slavery given by slaves, ex-slaves, and the children of slaves is an amazing representation of the history of my people. It made me want to cry both tears of sadness and tears of pride.

REA Testimonial

My friends Brianna, Erica, and Gerald had really good advice to give me about writing my paper. They told me to make sure to have enough info about the topic first before it's too late; don't do the final copy the night before because it takes a lot to do final revisions. Talk to the teacher about the topic more than once and have a strong thesis adn get it checked by the teacher. A weak thesis makes it difficult to write the paper. Keeping track of sources while researching greatly decreases time spent on the biblography; you don't have to go back and reorganize your sources. Even if a book has very little info on your topic, don't just toss it aside, it could be great information. Pace yourself, don't wait til the last minute becasue all you do is lose sleep. Starting out with something very specific adn looking deeply into research causes the topic to be broadened in order to encompass the full idea of the object; be open-minded. Set small goals and work toward them regardless. Make your own due dates. Set goals as if the paper is due two weeks before it actually is due to give yourself plenty of time.