Monday, April 21, 2008


Okay, so I found a fact in secondary sources number one, then I came up with an explicit explanation for it. Later, I found a statement similar to my response in secondary source number two that noted the same fact, but did a better job of implying the reason. Should I credit secondary source number two forthe explicit explanation that I originally came up since the idea is there? Would it be plagarism if i didn't?

(Our Nig page 68 vs. Five Slave Narratives page xvii)


Ms Bates said...

It's hard to follow the relationship you lay out here, so bring the book along when we meet during office hours.

When we find secondary sources that have the same argument as us after we've made up the same idea, we often feel a moment of scholarly "rats! shut up and I thought of it first!"

You do need to cite the sourse, and you can use scholarly sign-posting to note overlap, "source X agrees with me when I state A and B."

The next step is to put some pressure on your idea and find some implications for your work that aren't in the secondary sources. "And although Smith also says A and B, I would also like to point out C."

Unknown said...

Hey babe. Im sorry that I wasnt in class today. I went to math and accnt. and then got really tired and needed a nap. But anyway, I have the corrections to your draft, but its mostly what we talked about after class anyway...i just wrote in red ink hahah. but yeah, let me know if u need any help developing your thesis or supporting your arguement. You might actually want to try the writing center - they are sooooooo amazing, and I use them when I struggle for thesis generation or anything really....ive been there about 5x and each time has been extremely rewarding.