Sunday, April 20, 2008

Five Minutes of Fame

Big Claim: The young girl from this excerpt of To Be A Slave, though imprisoned by slavery, still maintains a desire to physically control her own body and the ability to maintain control over her own mind, and makes her own decisions, though unrecognized by anyone else, about her life.

The girl constantly displays her distrust toward Ellison.
“No, I don’t want you to buy me. I want to stay here.”
“No, you won’t have much to eat. What do you have to eat?”
The girl is worried more about her survival than her desires.
She prefers low risk stability rather than high risk reward, which is seen when Ellison tells her that she will eat better if she leaves with him.
As much as she wants to ride in the buggy, she runs away because she sees the buggy as a gilded trap to an unwanted life
The girl does what she wants to do, regardless of what the rules are or what others tell her.
She runs away when she finds out that Ellison had bought her because she doesn’t want to leave.
She gets in the back of the buggy where she wants to ride even though Ellison had told her to come back to the front.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Hey so I was just looking at the assignment for tomarrow...and we are supposed to send each other our papers...I dont think I have your email but mine is